Increased the probability of professional level workers appearing by approximately 2 times.The probability of workers appearing in each city and village upon hiring a worker via NPC has been adjusted for each level.Increased the appearance probability of Professional/Skilled workers. Amount of EXP required to change skill: 50% → 20%.Reduced the required EXP for one skill change has been reduced to the following:.Reduced the required EXP for Change Worker Skill Increased Combat EXP Gains from Life-skilling This was an item obtainable through graduating the Winter Season.Season characters that were not graduated before being converted to normal characters will receive "Narchillan Gear Box" in their Heidel storage.After the end of this season, the season server will revert to the server settings prior to the start of the Winter Season.

All season items (Time-filled Black Stone, Refined Magical Black Stone, Tuvala Ore, Tuvala Conversion Stone, non-converted Tuvala gear, etc.) will be deleted.Example) If you have two Tuvala Helmets, one PEN(V) and the other PRI (I), the PEN (V) Tuvala Helmet will be converted and the PRI (I) will be deleted.If you have Tuvala gear that has not been converted to normal gear, only the gear with the highest levels of enhancement will be converted, and the remaining will be deleted.All season quests will be removed from the Quests window.Please make sure to check it before it expires.

This mail will expire on Ap11:59 PM (UTC).